Thanks for triggering this!
This may be a topic that we should best discuss synchronously (with everyone interested) to speed things up. I think discussion via the tracker will be inefficient because we first need to agree on what we want to achieve.
I don't think I understand all important details of the proposal and how it relates to what Florian implemented for archiving experiments. For example, I don't understand where the code lives in these examples, and which data is stored under data. Do we include logs? Raw data? HTML reports? We currently store ~8.5 MB under "experiments" in the repository. With full experiment data, this would be in the TB range, which raises different questions regarding our storage and backup solutions.
More generally, I don't see much value in storing old experiments scripts (with no code and no data) on the web server. (This is also not consistent, which I want to mention because you emphasize consistency.) The main reason why we have experiments on the web server is to link to results, in particular interpreted results (HTML, PNG). I don't think we ever wanted to link to an experiment script, so I'm not sure which need we want to address by uploading old experiments without data to the web server. A repository is a much better solution for pure code (offline use, browsability, searchability, revision control). To be clear, this doesn't mean that I advocate having experiments stored in a repository.
In a discussion, I think it would be good to put the use cases in the center (who wants to access which data and how do we serve these needs etc.). Ideally we should also keep in mind use cases outside of Fast Downward (e.g. for Prost and Powerlifted).