
Title small TODOs related to landmarks & options
Priority feature Status resolved
Superseder Nosy List erez, gabi, malte, moritz, silvan, silvia
Assigned To erez Keywords
Optional summary

Created on 2010-12-06.21:28:35 by malte, last changed by malte.

msg787 (view) Author: malte Date: 2010-12-07.23:41:36
OK, changes are integrated now. This only leaves the dry-run thing, which I've
added as a comment to issue104. Marking this one as closed.
msg777 (view) Author: moritz Date: 2010-12-07.13:05:03
Will keep 3 in mind. Should be possible.

I'll make the parser case-insensitive for now.
msg776 (view) Author: gabi Date: 2010-12-07.10:58:04
I will leave 3 to Moritz, because he is the one currently working on the parser
code. I am fine with case insensitive options.
msg774 (view) Author: erez Date: 2010-12-07.09:30:55
I took care of 1, 2 and 4.
I will leave 3 to Gabi, since I'm not entirely sure about what's going on there.
I've also updated the wiki, please have a look.

Regarding upper case - I think the code should be case insensitive, and the 
documentation should use upper case.
msg768 (view) Author: malte Date: 2010-12-06.21:28:34
Some things I noticed in merging issue122.

1. I think the planner should complain with an error when using the nonsensical
LM option combination "optimal=true,admissible=false".

2. The usage string from should include the "--landmark" option *OR*
if we don't want to maintain that, the usage string should go away altogether
and just point to the website. Which do we prefer?

3. When using an option string like
   ./downward --landmarks 'x=lmgraph_hm(m=2)' --search "astar(lmcount(x,
     invalid_option=true))" < output
the planner spends a lot of time computing the landmark graph and then complains
about the invalid option. Can we go through the complete command line in dry run
mode once before doing anything else?

4. I think the current names for some of the LM generation methods are too
technical/too much based on internal names. I would suggest that the RPG-based
methods use names following the AAAI 2008 paper (lm_rhw, lm_zg) and the hm-based
method is called lm_hm. I don't really know what the other two do, but I guess
lm_exhaust and lm_search makes sense.

BTW, should we make them upper-case? More generally, do you agree that the
options code should be case-insensitive? Then we could document things like
LM_RHW as upper-case, but internally both would be allowed.
Date User Action Args
2010-12-07 23:41:36maltesetstatus: in-progress -> resolved
assignedto: moritz -> erez
messages: + msg787
2010-12-07 13:05:03moritzsetmessages: + msg777
2010-12-07 10:58:05gabisetnosy: + moritz
messages: + msg776
assignedto: erez -> moritz
2010-12-07 09:30:55erezsetstatus: chatting -> in-progress
nosy: + gabi
messages: + msg774
2010-12-06 21:28:35maltecreate