
Title Evaluate impact of new invariant synthesis on m&s
Priority feature Status resolved
Superseder Nosy List gabi, malte
Assigned To gabi Keywords
Optional summary

Created on 2011-01-05.19:21:06 by gabi, last changed by gabi.

File name Uploaded Type Edit Remove
lmcut_paper-d-abs.html gabi, 2011-01-10.13:27:33 text/html
mas_paper_pipesworld-notankage-d-abs.html gabi, 2011-01-10.13:27:26 text/html
mas_paper_pipesworld-tankage-d-abs.html gabi, 2011-01-10.13:27:17 text/html
mas_paper_psr-d-abs.html gabi, 2011-01-10.13:27:04 text/html
pipesworld-notankage-msg1131.html gabi, 2011-01-11.15:46:00 text/html
msg1141 (view) Author: gabi Date: 2011-01-11.15:56:32
This issue already has been referenced in issue187 (strengthening the invariant
synthesis), so I mark it as resolved.
msg1140 (view) Author: malte Date: 2011-01-11.15:54:31
Thanks! Looks like we're done here? Then it'd be good to reference this one from
whatever related issue is open (e.g. the one on strengthening invariant
synthesis) and mark it as resolved.
msg1138 (view) Author: gabi Date: 2011-01-11.15:46:00
Here is an overview of the coverage results for different N values for
pipesworld-notankage (old vs. new):

N = 500     16    15
N = 1000    18    15
N = 1500    22    15
N = 2000    23    15
N = 2500    23    15
N = 5000    23    13
N = 7500    23    11
N = 10000   23    11

Detailed results are attached.
msg1131 (view) Author: malte Date: 2011-01-10.15:38:57
> pipesworld-notankage (N = 2,500)	23     15
> pipesworld-notankage (N = 10,000) 	23     11

I wouldn't be surprised if smaller N values than 2500 would be best here. I
guess that part of the worse performance is that we have now so many variables
that heuristic generation takes a very long time. Reducing N might help with
that. Can you do a test run with N=500, N=1000, N=1500, N=2000?

Actually, the sweet spot might also be higher than 2500, even though I doubt
that. Still, experiments with N = 5000 and N=7500 would not hurt (only in this
msg1129 (view) Author: gabi Date: 2011-01-10.13:46:04
I ran the configurations of M&S from the original paper and the LMCut-Paper for
the critical domains. The detailed results are attached. Here is an overview
over the coverage results (old vs new):

openstacks-strips (N = 10,000)	         7      7
pipesworld-notankage (N = 2,500)	23     15
pipesworld-notankage (N = 10,000) 	23     11
pipesworld-tankage (N = 1,000)	        14     13
pipesworld-tankage (N = 10,000) 	14     14
psr-small (N = 10,000) 	                50     50
psr-small (N = 200,000)                 50     50

Obviously, the performance on pipersworld-notankage is now really bad,
so I am going to emphasize this domain in issue187. We also lost an instance in
msg1051 (view) Author: gabi Date: 2011-01-05.19:21:05
The new invariant synthesis finds much less invariants on a few domains which
can be critical for m&s and related configurations. Thus, we should empirically
evaluate the impact of the change on the configurations used in the papers on
the topic for the following domains:

 * Openstacks-STRIPS
 * Pipesworld-NoTankage
 * Pipesworld-Tankage
 * PSR-Small
 * Woodworking-SAT and -OPT (not currently supported by M&S)
Date User Action Args
2011-01-11 15:56:32gabisetstatus: in-progress -> resolved
messages: + msg1141
2011-01-11 15:54:31maltesetmessages: + msg1140
2011-01-11 15:46:01gabisetfiles: + pipesworld-notankage-msg1131.html
messages: + msg1138
2011-01-10 15:38:57maltesetmessages: + msg1131
2011-01-10 13:46:04gabisetstatus: chatting -> in-progress
priority: urgent -> feature
messages: + msg1129
2011-01-10 13:27:33gabisetfiles: + lmcut_paper-d-abs.html
2011-01-10 13:27:26gabisetfiles: + mas_paper_pipesworld-notankage-d-abs.html
2011-01-10 13:27:17gabisetfiles: + mas_paper_pipesworld-tankage-d-abs.html
2011-01-10 13:27:04gabisetfiles: + mas_paper_psr-d-abs.html
2011-01-05 19:21:06gabicreate