
Title make search code more cost-sensitive
Priority wish Status unread
Superseder Nosy List erez, malte
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Created on 2011-01-05.22:32:43 by malte, last changed by malte.

msg1069 (view) Author: malte Date: 2011-01-05.22:32:43
There are a number of ways in which we could make the search code more
cost-sensitive without paying inordinate amounts of performance. Some of them
might be good unconditionally; others might be usefully enabled by options.

 1. When finding a cheaper path to a closed node, update the path, even
    when reopening is set to false. This means that g values are no longer
    consistent with the paths (g values are now upper bounds on the true costs
    of paths that would be extracted from the search ndoes), but I can't see how
    this could hurt.

 2. When doing cost-insensitive search (cost_type=0), still update the paths
    based on real costs. Maybe even do *reopening* based on real costs when
    giving a suitable option, but avoid expensive heuristic reevaluations etc.
    in this case when we now that the unit-cost g and h values have not changed.
    (Actually, what should the unit-cost g value be when we find a longer, but
    cheaper path to a previously considered node? Should it be updated to the
    larger value for the longer, cheaper path? I think not -- it should remain
    the cost of the shortest path. That would mean that g and real_g no longer
    describe the same path, but I don't see how that would hurt.)
    With reopening like this, an iterated search based on unit cost g would
    eventually find a cost-optimal solution. Without, it wouldn't.

 3. For settings that do not do full reopening, implement a post-processing
    option that goes through the generated part of the search space and performs
    a Dijkstra search on it. This should be pretty fast compared to the effort
    of generating that graph in the first place since it doesn't need
    heuristics, but would find an optimal path *among those that don't leave
    this space*. Is this like Hootan Nakhost's post-processing technique with a
    radius of 0?
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2011-01-06 10:25:36erezsetnosy: + erez
2011-01-05 22:32:43maltecreate