
Title create capabilities interface
Priority feature Status resolved
Superseder Nosy List erez, gabi, jendrik, malte, silvia
Assigned To erez Keywords
Optional summary

Created on 2011-03-09.11:04:21 by erez, last changed by malte.

msg10202 (view) Author: malte Date: 2021-03-18.16:13:13
No movement in 10 years -- I'm closing this as part of a little spring clean-up we're doing. If someone would like to work on something like this, feel free to reopen.

More generally, we're moving towards having fewer "it would be nice if someone implemented this" wish or feature request issues and focus more on things with immediate plans to implement. This does not apply to bug reports, which are always welcome.
msg1272 (view) Author: erez Date: 2011-03-10.09:28:38
I agree - this can wait
msg1270 (view) Author: malte Date: 2011-03-09.19:22:38
I'm sure we discussed something along those lines in the tracker already, but I
can't find it any more.

Brief comment: I think this would be useful, but with 90 open issues, I'd focus
on fixing the current code first. Or, phrased more strongly: we're in bugfix-
and cleanup-only mode, with other changes only permitted if there's a really
good reason.

What is clear is that when facing something that is *not* supported, the planner
should exit rather than producing garbage or segfaults.
msg1267 (view) Author: erez Date: 2011-03-09.11:04:21
Regarding checking about axioms/conditional effects/non-unit cost actions/zero 
cost actions/...
I suggest we implement some sort of capabilities system 
(similar to weka), which would give us a convenient way of checking all of 

The interface would be something like two boolean method for each "problematic" 
feature (axioms/conditional effects/...) - one saying whether it's supported, 
and the other whether it's supported and still admissible.

This interface should be implemented by heuristics, search engines, landmark 
graphs, and probably a few more things I haven't thought of.

Date User Action Args
2021-03-18 16:13:13maltesetstatus: deferred -> resolved
messages: + msg10202
2011-03-10 09:28:38erezsetmessages: + msg1272
2011-03-09 19:22:39maltesetstatus: chatting -> deferred
messages: + msg1270
title: Create Capabilities Interface -> create capabilities interface
2011-03-09 11:04:21erezcreate