
Title simplify conditional effects in translator
Priority wish Status chatting
Superseder Nosy List malte
Assigned To Keywords translator
Optional summary

Created on 2011-11-15.22:17:45 by malte, last changed by malte.

msg1959 (view) Author: malte Date: 2011-11-15.22:17:45
We should perform some simplifications/dominance tests for conditional effects
in the translator. In the example of msg1958, almost all effects are completely
redundant and should be dropped (to reduce task representation and hence search
overhead, and also to avoid confusing the relevance analysis, heuristics etc.).

Task representation size before/after in something like the BAMS example from
that task would be a good measure of effectiveness for such reductions, assuming
that we can fix the issues that currently prevent us from handling the BAMS tasks.
Date User Action Args
2014-10-04 20:00:41maltesetkeyword: + translator
2011-11-15 22:17:45maltecreate