
Title statistics
Priority meta Status unread
Superseder Nosy List jendrik, malte
Assigned To Keywords
Optional summary
Collection of issues related to statistics:

- Heuristic statistics should be printed in predictable order (issue260).

- Add more search-related statistics (issue369).

- Make statistics output easier to parse (issue589).

- Reduce f-value output for tasks with high and diverse action costs 

Other TODOs:

- Separate search statistics clearer from search code. Let search code call a 
statistics objects whenever something "interesting" happens. Then the 
statistics object can decide whether it wants to log the event.

- Remove the hack in EagerSearch::update_f_value_statistics().

- Currently, the heuristics decide whether they want to be used for logging new 
minimum values and/or for boosting open lists. We want to move this decision to 
the searches.

Created on 2017-11-27.19:18:38 by jendrik, last changed by jendrik.

Collection of issues related to statistics:

- Heuristic statistics should be printed in predictable order (issue260).

- Add more search-related statistics (issue369).

- Make statistics output easier to parse (issue589).

- Reduce f-value output for tasks with high and diverse action costs 

Other TODOs:

- Separate search statistics clearer from search code. Let search code call a 
statistics objects whenever something "interesting" happens. Then the 
statistics object can decide whether it wants to log the event.

- Remove the hack in EagerSearch::update_f_value_statistics().

- Currently, the heuristics decide whether they want to be used for logging new 
minimum values and/or for boosting open lists. We want to move this decision to 
the searches.
msg6613 (view) Author: jendrik Date: 2017-11-27.19:18:38
Meta issue for issues related to statistics.
Date User Action Args
2017-11-30 17:09:32jendriksetsummary: Collection of issues related to statistics: - Heuristic statistics should be printed in predictable order (issue260). - Add more search-related statistics (issue369). - Make statistics output easier to parse (issue589). - Reduce f-value output for tasks with high and diverse action costs (issue744). Other TODOs: - Separate search statistics clearer from search code. Let search code call a statistics objects whenever something "interesting" happens. Then the statistics object can decide whether it wants to log the event. - Remove the hack in EagerSearch::update_f_value_statistics(). -> Collection of issues related to statistics: - Heuristic statistics should be printed in predictable order (issue260). - Add more search-related statistics (issue369). - Make statistics output easier to parse (issue589). - Reduce f-value output for tasks with high and diverse action costs (issue744). Other TODOs: - Separate search statistics clearer from search code. Let search code call a statistics objects whenever something "interesting" happens. Then the statistics object can decide whether it wants to log the event. - Remove the hack in EagerSearch::update_f_value_statistics(). - Currently, the heuristics decide whether they want to be used for logging new minimum values and/or for boosting open lists. We want to move this decision to the searches.
2017-11-27 19:18:38jendrikcreate