
Title Add better ways of controlling memory consumption of the hillclimbing algorithm for pattern generation
Priority wish Status chatting
Superseder Nosy List jendrik, malte, silvan
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Created on 2021-05-03.09:59:42 by silvan, last changed by malte.

msg10279 (view) Author: malte Date: 2021-05-03.13:16:44
I would suggest bounding the number of abstract states of PDBs that are kept in memory. This is a lot more direct than (for example) bounding the number of patterns, as a pattern can have 2 states or millions of states.
msg10276 (view) Author: silvan Date: 2021-05-03.09:59:41
In issue1007, Malte observed that when improving the runtime of the hill climbing algorithm, it could sometimes run out of memory instead of stopping before this happens. We want to investigate better ways of controlling its memory consumption. Possible ways of doing so:
- add a parameter max generated patterns (see msg10275)
- stop keeping all ever generated PDBs as candidates during hill climbing (see10272)
While we are at it, we could also make the time control more fine-grained.
Date User Action Args
2021-05-03 13:16:44maltesetstatus: unread -> chatting
messages: + msg10279
2021-05-03 09:59:42silvancreate