
Title Document that ipdb() can be expressed as cpdbs(hillclimbing())
Priority wish Status resolved
Superseder Nosy List jendrik, malte, silvan
Assigned To silvan Keywords
Optional summary

Created on 2021-05-03.10:04:04 by silvan, last changed by silvan.

msg10317 (view) Author: silvan Date: 2021-06-21.16:09:33
I fixed those two issues and merged. Thanks!
msg10316 (view) Author: malte Date: 2021-06-21.15:56:38
Looks good to me. As always, we should also double-check the completed wiki page.

Two polishing changes:
1. "using a Evaluator#Canonical_PDB"
"using the Evaluator#Canonical_PDB"
(or alternatively use "an", but we use "the" in other similar parts)

2. "for the use with the canonical pattern collection heuristic."
"for the use with the canonical pattern database heuristic."
(I suppose it could be called a pattern collection heuristic, but that's inconsistent with the rest of the docs.)
It would also make sense to write "for use" rather than "for the use".
msg10284 (view) Author: silvan Date: 2021-05-04.12:48:48
I prepared a pull-request:
msg10277 (view) Author: silvan Date: 2021-05-03.10:04:04
See the beginning of msg10272 of issue1007 for Malte's idea.
Date User Action Args
2021-06-21 16:09:33silvansetstatus: reviewing -> resolved
messages: + msg10317
2021-06-21 15:56:38maltesetmessages: + msg10316
2021-05-04 12:48:48silvansetstatus: unread -> reviewing
assignedto: silvan
messages: + msg10284
2021-05-03 10:04:04silvancreate