
Title Exit cleanly when SoPlex is used for MIPs
Priority feature Status resolved
Superseder Nosy List florian, jendrik, malte
Assigned To Keywords
Optional summary

Created on 2022-02-10.18:01:17 by florian, last changed by florian.

msg11138 (view) Author: florian Date: 2023-07-20.12:44:15
We no longer use OSI and the new interface exits cleanly (see issue1076).
msg10593 (view) Author: florian Date: 2022-02-11.08:55:06
I updated the title
msg10585 (view) Author: malte Date: 2022-02-10.19:15:32
I wouldn't call this a warning. A warning is a recoverable error, but we want to terminate the program.
msg10583 (view) Author: florian Date: 2022-02-10.18:01:17
SoPlex is an LP solver and doesn't support MIPs, but we can still select it as an option in heuristics that solve MIPs.
Currently OSI exist with a warning when trying to do this but we should do this ourselves and exit with the correct exit code.

We should also document this restriction
Malte suggested to do this in but the list there is an option that is used from different places (add_lp_solver_option_to_parser), so if we change one, we change them all. I think this is fine, but we have to present this in a way that is not referring to operator-counting heuristics specifically.
Date User Action Args
2023-07-20 12:44:15floriansetstatus: chatting -> resolved
messages: + msg11138
2022-02-11 08:55:06floriansetmessages: + msg10593
title: Warn when SoPlex is used for MIPs -> Exit cleanly when SoPlex is used for MIPs
2022-02-10 19:15:32maltesetstatus: unread -> chatting
messages: + msg10585
2022-02-10 18:01:17floriancreate