
Title Make planner silent (= no output) when configuring all components to be silent
Priority feature Status chatting
Superseder Nosy List jendrik, malte, silvan
Assigned To Keywords
Optional summary

Created on 2022-07-15.14:27:36 by silvan, last changed by malte.

msg10780 (view) Author: malte Date: 2022-07-15.14:30:51
I agree there should be a truly silent level. I don't currently have a clear opinion whether I would like to have a log level in between our current "normal" and the silent level. This is perhaps something worth discussing with the larger group.
msg10778 (view) Author: silvan Date: 2022-07-15.14:27:36
Currently, the verbosity option silent means "least output" of all verbosity options, but it doesn't suppress output entirely. We want to either change the meaning of silent so that the planner actually is silent or rename that level and introduce a new silent level which really silences the planner.
Date User Action Args
2022-07-15 14:30:51maltesetstatus: unread -> chatting
messages: + msg10780
2022-07-15 14:27:36silvancreate