
Title Infinite loop in DefaultValueAxiomsTask?
Priority bug Status resolved
Superseder Nosy List elliot, jendrik, malte, salome
Assigned To Keywords
Optional summary

Created on 2024-10-02.10:35:04 by elliot, last changed by salome.

File name Uploaded Type Edit Remove
domain.pddl elliot, 2024-10-02.10:35:04 application/octet-stream
problem.pddl elliot, 2024-10-02.10:36:28 application/octet-stream
msg11702 (view) Author: salome Date: 2024-10-02.13:42:52
This is not caused by an infinite loop but by a combinatorial explosion when computing negated axioms. Previously this happened during translation (and thus for any search configuration), but issue454 moved the code to the search component and it is only computed for heuristics that need negated axioms. Unfortunately for lama, both ff and landmark_sum need them.

You can avoid the expensive computation by passing the option "axioms=approximate_negative" to both heuristics. This will instead use a trivial overapproximation for negated axioms (basically, the default value of a derived variable can always be achieved for free). While this might make the heuristic weaker, it is certainly better than never starting the search at all :).

I mark this issue as solved, but feel free to change it again if you disagree.
msg11701 (view) Author: elliot Date: 2024-10-02.10:45:41
When running FD (revision f39b35b215f144c4f659a1f1f4fb9243c80a88ba) with lama on 
the provided domain and problem it freezes in search until timeout. Seemingly this 
is caused by an issue with 

FD will begin search and print "done reading input!" before freezing. Analysis 
with valgrind shows that 
"DefaultValueAxiomsTask::collect_non_dominated_hitting_sets_recursively()" seems 
to use ~99% of the runtime, which makes us suspect an infinite loop therein. 

This error was also reproduced by Jendrik.
Date User Action Args
2024-10-02 13:42:52salomesetstatus: chatting -> resolved
nosy: + salome
messages: + msg11702
2024-10-02 10:50:26maltesetnosy: + malte, jendrik
2024-10-02 10:45:41elliotsetstatus: unread -> chatting
nosy: + elliot
messages: + msg11701
2024-10-02 10:36:31elliotsetfiles: -
2024-10-02 10:36:28elliotsetfiles: + problem.pddl
2024-10-02 10:35:45elliotsetfiles: +
2024-10-02 10:35:04elliotcreate