
Title Documentation für specific versions
Priority feature Status in-progress
Superseder Nosy List florian, gabi, jendrik, malte
Assigned To Keywords
Optional summary
Still to do:

- check that everything has been moved
- possibly: links on GitHub release overview point to wiki. Handle this somehow.
- make wiki read-only for retirement
- create versions for last few releases
- let point to the new website
- retire old auto-doc script in misc/autodoc/

Created on 2025-02-07.10:11:36 by gabi, last changed by gabi.

Still to do:

- check that everything has been moved
- possibly: links on GitHub release overview point to wiki. Handle this somehow.
- make wiki read-only for retirement
- create versions for last few releases
- let point to the new website
- retire old auto-doc script in misc/autodoc/
msg11802 (view) Author: gabi Date: 2025-02-16.13:31:03
I updated the release workflow instructions: (change set) (result)
msg11801 (view) Author: malte Date: 2025-02-14.17:00:14
Can we also make updating the release instructions page part of this?

I understand that making a new release requires doing something to make them appear on the website and to update "latest", right?
msg11800 (view) Author: gabi Date: 2025-02-14.16:04:20
We did most of the transition during the sprint. The code-specific documentation now lives in the main code repository, the other part of the wiki was moved into a new repository aibasel/downward-markup. The new website is hosted on github pages, via a new repository aibasel/downward-website.

Theoretically, automated website updates on all changes have been in place, but the involved GitHub Actions have not been stress-tested, yet. There are also a few small other things left to do before we can close this. I added them in the Optional Summary.
msg11778 (view) Author: gabi Date: 2025-02-07.10:11:36
We would like to move parts of the documentation to the main repository, so that we can still access the documentation for older releases. This will include a major revision of the main website, abandoning the old wiki.
Date User Action Args
2025-02-16 22:03:36gabisetsummary: Still to do: - move TranslatorOutputFormat4 to new website - check that everything has been moved - possibly: links on GitHub release overview point to wiki. Handle this somehow. - make wiki read-only for retirement - create versions for last few releases - let point to the new website - retire old auto-doc script in misc/autodoc/ -> Still to do: - check that everything has been moved - possibly: links on GitHub release overview point to wiki. Handle this somehow. - make wiki read-only for retirement - create versions for last few releases - let point to the new website - retire old auto-doc script in misc/autodoc/
2025-02-16 13:31:03gabisetmessages: + msg11802
summary: Still to do: - move TranslatorOutputFormat4 to new website - check that everything has been moved - possibly: links on GitHub release overview point to wiki. Handle this somehow. - make wiki read-only for retirement - create versions for last few releases - let point to the new website - retire old auto-doc script in misc/autodoc/ - update release instructions -> Still to do: - move TranslatorOutputFormat4 to new website - check that everything has been moved - possibly: links on GitHub release overview point to wiki. Handle this somehow. - make wiki read-only for retirement - create versions for last few releases - let point to the new website - retire old auto-doc script in misc/autodoc/
2025-02-16 12:14:30gabisetsummary: Still to do: - move TranslatorOutputFormat4 to new website - check that everything has been moved - possibly: links on GitHub release overview point to wiki. Handle this somehow. - make wiki read-only for retirement - fix markdown issue in documentation that is generated from the search code (if the "prolog" ends with a bullet list, e.g. in MergeScoringFunction) - create versions for last few releases - let point to the new website - retire old auto-doc script in misc/autodoc/ -> Still to do: - move TranslatorOutputFormat4 to new website - check that everything has been moved - possibly: links on GitHub release overview point to wiki. Handle this somehow. - make wiki read-only for retirement - create versions for last few releases - let point to the new website - retire old auto-doc script in misc/autodoc/ - update release instructions
2025-02-14 17:00:14maltesetmessages: + msg11801
2025-02-14 16:14:42gabisetsummary: Still to do: - get SSL working for the new page - move TranslatorOutputFormat4 to new website - check that everything has been moved - possibly: links on GitHub release overview point to wiki. Handle this somehow. - make wiki read-only for retirement - fix markdown issue in documentation that is generated from the search code (if the "prolog" ends with a bullet list, e.g. in MergeScoringFunction) - create versions for last few releases - let point to the new website -> Still to do: - move TranslatorOutputFormat4 to new website - check that everything has been moved - possibly: links on GitHub release overview point to wiki. Handle this somehow. - make wiki read-only for retirement - fix markdown issue in documentation that is generated from the search code (if the "prolog" ends with a bullet list, e.g. in MergeScoringFunction) - create versions for last few releases - let point to the new website - retire old auto-doc script in misc/autodoc/
2025-02-14 16:05:44gabisetsummary: Still to do: - get SSL working for the new page - move TranslatorOutputFormat4 to new website - check that everything has been moved - fix markdown issue in documentation that is generated from the search code (if the "prolog" ends with a bullet list, e.g. in MergeScoringFunction) - create versions for last few releases - let point to the new website -> Still to do: - get SSL working for the new page - move TranslatorOutputFormat4 to new website - check that everything has been moved - possibly: links on GitHub release overview point to wiki. Handle this somehow. - make wiki read-only for retirement - fix markdown issue in documentation that is generated from the search code (if the "prolog" ends with a bullet list, e.g. in MergeScoringFunction) - create versions for last few releases - let point to the new website
2025-02-14 16:04:20gabisetmessages: + msg11800
summary: Still to do: - get SSL working for the new page - move TranslatorOutputFormat4 to new website - check that everything has been moved - fix markdown issue in documentation that is generated from the search code (if the "prolog" ends with a bullet list, e.g. in MergeScoringFunction) - create versions for last few releases - let point to the new website
2025-02-07 15:19:32floriansetnosy: + florian
2025-02-07 10:11:36gabicreate