
Title Avoid Hardcoding Bugfix Releases in Vagrantfile
Priority feature Status resolved
Superseder Nosy List davidspeck, jendrik, malte
Assigned To Keywords
Optional summary

Created on 2025-02-14.14:42:13 by davidspeck, last changed by davidspeck.

msg11810 (view) Author: davidspeck Date: 2025-02-20.11:05:20
I just had a look and the critical sentence seems to be "The Vagrantfile does not 
need to be updated for a bugfix release". I agree, this should no longer be 
necessary. Everything else should stay the same.
msg11809 (view) Author: malte Date: 2025-02-19.11:05:39
I think there is a also documentation to be updated. I'll make a change to the ReleaseWorkflow page, but it would be good if someone can double-check that the new information is correct.
msg11808 (view) Author: davidspeck Date: 2025-02-19.10:58:52
msg11805 (view) Author: malte Date: 2025-02-17.15:34:53
Given that you tested it and it did the right thing, feel free to merge.
msg11804 (view) Author: malte Date: 2025-02-17.15:33:35
Yes, I'd not change it retroactively. More work than it's worth.
msg11803 (view) Author: davidspeck Date: 2025-02-17.12:18:39
Thanks for already solving it @malte. I tested it locally and it seems to work. I 
think we only want to change it for future releases, meaning we will not change 
the old vagrant files?

I've open a PR: .
msg11796 (view) Author: malte Date: 2025-02-14.14:53:22
At first glance, it looks like we need to change two things.

In, we fill the Vagrant template like this:

fill_template "_Vagrantfile.tpl" "TAG" "$TAG" > $MAJOR/Vagrantfile.$MAJOR

Instead of the tag we want the branch. Something like this:

fill_template "_Vagrantfile.tpl" "BRANCH" "$BRANCH" > $MAJOR/Vagrantfile.$MAJOR

And then the template itself should use BRANCH instead of TAG, replacing

        git clone --branch TAG downward


        git clone --branch BRANCH downward

(But this is not tested.)
msg11795 (view) Author: davidspeck Date: 2025-02-14.14:42:13
Currently, our Vagrantfile hardcodes a specific bugfix release, requiring updates 
whenever a new bugfix release is available. This leads to unnecessary maintenance 
effort. Instead, we should modify the Vagrantfile to automatically use the latest 
bugfix release within a given branch, eliminating the need for manual updates.
Date User Action Args
2025-02-20 11:05:20davidspecksetmessages: + msg11810
2025-02-19 11:05:39maltesetmessages: + msg11809
2025-02-19 10:58:52davidspecksetstatus: chatting -> resolved
messages: + msg11808
2025-02-17 15:34:53maltesetmessages: + msg11805
2025-02-17 15:33:35maltesetmessages: + msg11804
2025-02-17 12:18:39davidspecksetmessages: + msg11803
2025-02-14 14:53:22maltesetstatus: unread -> chatting
messages: + msg11796
2025-02-14 14:42:13davidspeckcreate