
Title performance issue in translator (with negative preconditions code?)
Priority bug Status chatting
Superseder Nosy List gabi, haz, jendrik, malte, patrik, salome, thofmann
Assigned To Keywords translator
Optional summary
See meta-issue: issue924.

Created on 2010-12-17.23:45:04 by malte, last changed by salome.

See meta-issue: issue924.
File name Uploaded Type Edit Remove
6-cups.pddl thofmann, 2014-10-13.17:01:33 application/octet-stream
bw-no-clear.pddl malte, 2010-12-17.23:45:17 application/octet-stream
bwnc_10_1.pddl malte, 2010-12-17.23:45:27 application/octet-stream
bwnc_5_1.pddl malte, 2010-12-17.23:45:33 application/octet-stream
clean_up_cups_domain.pddl thofmann, 2014-10-13.17:01:07 application/octet-stream
crash-test-dummy.pddl malte, 2010-12-17.23:45:01 application/octet-stream
graph-domain.pddl sprabhu, 2017-01-25.06:15:47 application/octet-stream
graph-prob.pddl sprabhu, 2017-01-25.06:16:12 application/octet-stream
translate.profile thofmann, 2014-10-13.17:01:40 application/octet-stream
msg11693 (view) Author: salome Date: 2024-09-17.14:04:00
I tested all problems with astar(blind()): For bwnc_5_1.pddl and 6-cups.pddl we find a solution almost immediately, while for bwnc_10_1.pddl the translator is done in 0.09s but the search takes longer than a minute (at which point I interrupted), which I presume is simply because the state space is big. graph-prob.pddl still gets stuck in the translator, more precisely at "Completing instantiation..."
I also tried astar(hmax()) (which by default only approximates cycles so can lead to exponential runtime), and it can also solve bwnc_5_1 and 6-cups in under 1 second. But for bwnc_10_1 it eventually exited with code -9 (after freezing my computer for a bit presumably due to swapping). Using the trivial overapproximation for all negations (i.e. astar(hmax(axioms=approximate_negative)) leads also to immediate search start.

To summarize, for blind search the performance issue is solved on all problems except graph-prob. For heuristics with the axioms option, bwnc_10_1  still leads to exponential explosion, but it can be circumvented by using axioms=approximate_negative. The performance issue with graph-prob does not seem to be related to negated axioms, but rather with the axiom being complicated and involving a lot of variables.
msg11656 (view) Author: malte Date: 2024-07-19.14:12:36
Salomé: added you to the nosy list, but this doesn't mean you have to work on this.

Is this resolved now that issue454 is merged? Can we run the test cases with the current code? (I didn't reread everything below, but I think at least the blind heuristic shouldn't have these performance issues any more.)
msg11612 (view) Author: haz Date: 2024-07-08.20:40:22
Adding myself to the nosy list.
msg11568 (view) Author: malte Date: 2024-02-01.11:51:28
It would be nice to try this splitting at some point, and then it would be useful to have some benchmarks to test the new code that exercise this (= axioms that have many existentially quantified variables in the rules but comparatively low arity of the derived predicate itself). If anyone has more examples like this, I'd be interested. But of course I am aware that the original examples are 13+ years old.
msg11567 (view) Author: gabi Date: 2024-02-01.11:46:15
Regarding msg8279: Malte and I just had a look into this idea. On a second look, without the explicit full parameters in the rule head we would run into issues during instantiation because we don't immediately know for which external parameters we need to instantiate the axiom. We might be able to reconstruct this somehow from the model but it will definitively be more complicated than the change looks like at first glance.
msg8279 (view) Author: malte Date: 2018-12-13.10:37:58
I'm seeing some improvements in graph-{domain,prob}.pddl with a change to
get_axiom_predicate, although it needs to be changed a bit more than in my
previous message. With this:

def get_axiom_predicate(axiom):
    name = axiom
    variables = [ for par in
    return pddl.Atom(name, variables)

the relaxed exploration phase of grounding terminates reasonably quickly, with
731493 relevant atoms, which is not impossibly high. However, we still get stuck
in the next stage (Completing instantiation). Part of the problem may be the
action with 7 parameters plus a further universally quantified variable in the
effect, but I haven't looked into it further. Since the whole thing didn't
finish, I also didn't have a chance to check if this change actually works. But
it does seem to indicate that there might be some easily obtainable gains here.
msg8278 (view) Author: malte Date: 2018-12-13.10:15:10
BTW, also has a function "get_action_predicate" with the same (if
I'm not overlooking some important context) needless addition of existentially
quantified variables to the parameter set.
msg8277 (view) Author: malte Date: 2018-12-13.10:13:01
Hi Patrik, yes, the decomposition can be improved. It was just meant to be an
example of the general principle.

I don't think you can easily get rid of every variable that only occurs in the
body, but you can easily get rid of every variable that only occurs in the body
and only *once*. In general, as you say, a tree decomposition is needed to see
what can be projected away at which stage. If I have an axiom with no variables
in the head but a complete co-occurrence graph, I don't think there is much that
can be simplified, at least not with this kind of approach. But perhaps this is
already what you meant.

The translator already does something like that in its grounding phase (using a
greedy algorithm to create the decomposition), but it doesn't take the idea as
far as it could. In particular, it only uses this to minimize the size of
intermediate results, but (if I recall correctly) still computes the set of all
assignments to all variables occurring in the body where all facts of the body
are reachable (according to relaxed reachability). This is wasteful, and I
wonder if improving this could be as simple as changing

def get_axiom_predicate(axiom):
    name = axiom
    variables = [ for par in axiom.parameters]
    if isinstance(axiom.condition, pddl.ExistentialCondition):
        variables += [ for par in axiom.condition.parameters]
    return pddl.Atom(name, variables)

in to:

def get_axiom_predicate(axiom):
    name = axiom
    variables = [ for par in axiom.parameters]
    return pddl.Atom(name, variables)

But even if that's the case, there is more that could be done to find better
decompositions, and there is more that could be done for actions (where it's
more complicated because we want to produce a fully grounded action in the final
output plan, but we could still do a lot better in intermediate computations,
for example of delete relaxation heuristics).
msg8275 (view) Author: patrik Date: 2018-12-13.00:57:37
You should be able to factor out any existential parameter in an axiom (i.e.,
any parameter that appears only in the body). For example, in temp2, you can
replace successor(?from, ?cursuccessor, ?dest1) with a new axiom tmp3(?from,
?dest1), whose body consists of this atom; doing the same for cost(?from,
?dest1, ?mycurrentcost), you end up with three axioms with three parameters,
instead of one with five.

I implemented something similar for action preconditions (only works for
delete-free problems), specifically to handle grounding of the caldera domain
from the last IPC. The idea is to find the existential parameters, build a
co-occurrence graph (edge between any pair of parameters that co-occur in a
predicate, including in the head of the axiom), then tree-decompose this graph,
and root the tree in the node that corresponds to the derived predicate. The
edges of the decomposition (which are intersections between parameter subsets)
become the "interfaces", i.e., in this case the new temp axioms that you add.
msg8266 (view) Author: malte Date: 2018-12-12.15:51:58
Regarding msg8262, this looks like it needs some genuine new ideas. One of our
Master's students is considering work on something like this for their Master's
thesis beginning some time next spring. This may be an interesting example
domain to keep as a use case for them.

The first idea I had in mind for this would be some automated schema splitting
to reduce the arity of schematic axioms and operators. In the example, the
problematic axiom is likely the one with 8 parameters:

Axiom relaxdone(?from: object, ?to: object)
    NegatedAtom triedrelax(?from, ?to)
    Atom relaxing(?dest1, ?currentrelaxingcost1)
    Atom successor(?from, ?cursuccessor, ?dest1)
    Atom cost(?from, ?dest1, ?mycurrentcost)
    Atom cost(?to, ?dest1, ?ncost)
    NegatedAtom relaxed(?from, ?to, ?dest1)
    Atom plus(?ncost, h1, ?mynewcost)
    Atom cost(?from, ?to, h1)
    NegatedAtom =(?currentrelaxingcost1, ?mynewcost)

The same information could be expressed using axioms with at most 5 parameters,
for example like this:

Axiom temp1(?to, ?dest1)
    Atom relaxing(?dest1, ?currentrelaxingcost1)
    Atom cost(?to, ?dest1, ?ncost)
    Atom plus(?ncost, h1, ?mynewcost)
    NegatedAtom =(?currentrelaxingcost1, ?mynewcost)

Axiom temp2(?from, ?to, ?dest1)
    NegatedAtom triedrelax(?from, ?to)
    Atom successor(?from, ?cursuccessor, ?dest1)
    Atom cost(?from, ?dest1, ?mycurrentcost)
    NegatedAtom relaxed(?from, ?to, ?dest1)
    Atom cost(?from, ?to, h1)

Axiom relaxdone (?from, ?to)
    Atom temp1(?to, ?dest1)
    Atom temp2(?from, ?to, ?dest1)

I may have messed up the details, but perhaps the idea is clear.
And of course 5 parameters might still be too many.
msg8263 (view) Author: malte Date: 2018-12-12.15:39:13
To make the threading clear, my previous comment (msg8260) was a reply to Gabi's

Regarding Gabi's msg8258, this looks like an example of the exponential
CNF-to-DNF transform and would be resolved by what I mention in points #2 (don't
create negative axioms) or #3 (use a linear algorithm for transforming CNF to DNF).
msg8262 (view) Author: gabi Date: 2018-12-12.15:38:22
graph-domain contains a somewhat complicated axiom that probably causes the problem:

  (:derived (relaxdone ?from ?to)

            (exists (?dest - node ?currentrelaxingcost - hopcount)
                           (not (triedrelax ?from ?to))
                           (relaxed ?from ?to ?dest)
                           (relaxing ?dest ?currentrelaxingcost)

           (exists (?dest ?cursuccessor - node ?mycurrentcost
?currentrelaxingcost ?mynewcost - hopcount ?ncost - hopcount)

                       (not (triedrelax ?from ?to))
                       (relaxing ?dest ?currentrelaxingcost)
                       (successor ?from ?cursuccessor ?dest)
                       (cost ?from ?dest ?mycurrentcost)
                       (cost ?to ?dest ?ncost)
                       (not (relaxed ?from ?to ?dest))
                       (plus ?ncost h1 ?mynewcost)
                       (cost ?from ?to h1)
                       (not (= ?currentrelaxingcost ?mynewcost))
          (triedrelax ?from ?to)

It is somewhat easier to read after normalization:

Axiom relaxdone(?from: object, ?to: object)
    NegatedAtom triedrelax(?from, ?to)
    Atom relaxed(?from, ?to, ?dest)
    Atom relaxing(?dest, ?currentrelaxingcost)
Axiom relaxdone(?from: object, ?to: object)
    NegatedAtom triedrelax(?from, ?to)
    Atom relaxing(?dest1, ?currentrelaxingcost1)
    Atom successor(?from, ?cursuccessor, ?dest1)
    Atom cost(?from, ?dest1, ?mycurrentcost)
    Atom cost(?to, ?dest1, ?ncost)
    NegatedAtom relaxed(?from, ?to, ?dest1)
    Atom plus(?ncost, h1, ?mynewcost)
    Atom cost(?from, ?to, h1)
    NegatedAtom =(?currentrelaxingcost1, ?mynewcost)
Axiom relaxdone(?from: object, ?to: object)
  Atom triedrelax(?from, ?to)

The intermediate axiom uses 8 different variables that need to be instantiated.
I don't even have the patience to wait for the "Computing model" step to terminate.
msg8260 (view) Author: malte Date: 2018-12-12.15:36:36
There are many opportunities for improvement here.

Firstly, for context on why we multiply out negative preconditions in an
exponential way at all, see issue111, which is in turn based on issue55.
Handling this differently would be one way to address the problem we see here,
as discussed in issue111.

Secondly, generating "negated axioms" is not necessary at all in principle, and
there are currently at least two open bugs related to it. The negated axioms are
potentially very useful for the heuristics that use them (e.g. h^max, h^ff,
h^add), but that doesn't mean we need to create them unconditionally.

Thirdly, the way the negated axioms are generated by converting a CNF to DNF is
an exponential transformation, but I think a linear transformation would be
possible with auxiliary derived variables. I don't think this is important in
this particular example, but I'm sure it can make the difference between
exponential and polynomial runtime in other cases.

Fourthly, it would be nice to avoid the redundant equivalent axioms that you
mention in your example. This won't be an exponential vs. polynomial difference,
but of course it is still a missed optimization opportunity.
msg8258 (view) Author: gabi Date: 2018-12-12.15:29:25
In the clean_up_cups domain, one source of the problem is the goal:
    ( and
      ( forall (?c - cup)
          ( and
            ( imply
              ( or ( holding ?c ) ( exists (?l - location) ( at ?c ?l )) )
              ( imply ( not ( clean ?c ) ) ( at ?c dishwasher ) )
              ) )) ))

which gets normalized to "NegatedAtom new-axiom@2()" with axioms

Axiom new-axiom@2()
    NegatedAtom clean(?c)
    NegatedAtom at(?c, dishwasher)
    Atom holding(?c)
Axiom new-axiom@2()
    NegatedAtom clean(?c)
    NegatedAtom at(?c, dishwasher)
    Atom at(?c, ?l)

So here the body contains a mixture of positive and negative literals.

Here, compute_negative_axioms takes forever. For debugging this, we need to have
a closer look into this method but I fear it is a conceptual problem.
msg8257 (view) Author: gabi Date: 2018-12-12.15:18:23
I am going over the different attached tasks that cause performance issues and
try to take a few notes what is the problem for each one. Starting with
crash-test-dummy.pddl, which is a blocksworld domain without a "clear"
predicate. Instead, it uses preconditions of the form "(not (exists (?z) (on ?z

There are five such (basically equivalent) preconditions, for which the
normalization introduces five axiom rules:

Axiom new-axiom@0(?x: object)
  Atom on(?z, ?x)
Axiom new-axiom@1(?x: object)
  Atom on(?w, ?x)
Axiom new-axiom@2(?z: object)
  Atom on(?w1, ?z)
Axiom new-axiom@3(?y: object)
  Atom on(?w1, ?y)

With some more intelligence, we could one of them instead.

Each of them gets instantiated to 25 ground rules like
(new-axiom@3 b5)
PRE: Atom on(b2, b5)
EFF: Atom new-axiom@3(b5)

Then the really bad things happen. In, we introduce a negated
version for each of them, e.g.

not (new-axiom@3 b4)
PRE: NegatedAtom on(b1, b4)
PRE: NegatedAtom on(b2, b4)
PRE: NegatedAtom on(b3, b4)
PRE: NegatedAtom on(b4, b4)
PRE: NegatedAtom on(b5, b4)
EFF: NegatedAtom new-axiom@3(b4)

The negative atoms in the condition are then multiplied out in the translation
to sas variables, generating the 25600 axiom rules.

Natural question: why do we do this? Can't we just evaluate the "positive" form
of the axioms and use the corresponding "negative" value of the derived variable
in the preconditions?
msg3809 (view) Author: thofmann Date: 2014-10-13.17:01:07
We are having similar issues with the translator which seem to be related to
this bug. I've attached a domain (clean_up_cups_domain.pddl) and a problem
(6-cups.pddl) where the issue occurs. The translator uses >16GB of memory when
run with the given problem. I've also attached a profile generated with cProfile.

Note that the example is taken from an application, so it's probably not the
shortest example (although I've tried to clean it up a bit).
msg894 (view) Author: malte Date: 2010-12-17.23:45:01
Not sure if I should classify this as a "bug" since it looks like the code
works, but for Patrik's example it's unusable, and we tend to classify serious
performance issues as bugs too so that they get addressed more quickly that
"feature" or "wish" issues. 


This is from an old (June 2009) bug report by Patrik (sorry, some context is

Attached (domain: crash-test-dummy, problem: bwnc_10_1). It doesn't
crash anymore because I fixed it too (by replaxing "" with
"axiom", which produces a totally useless printout like "Removed axiom:
<sas_tasks.SASAxiom instance at 0xb7b3078c>" but at least doesn't crash).

There may be some other problems as well. I tested the the blind search
planner (I think: it's option "ob" to downward/search, right?), and it
claims to have exhausted the space after expanding one node, i.e., the
initial state has no applicable actions). But I don't think that's
right. Also attached is an alternative formulation (bw-no-clear) of the
domain, which I think is equivalent, and can be fed to my parser. Other
planners I've tried (some hsp* variants, ff) explore more than one node
(ff even finds a solution, for both domain formulations).

This bug does not exist any more; this was fixed when Gabi implemented proper
support for negative conditions. However, Patrik's example now triggers a
performance issue, which I think comes from the "multiply out conditions" code.

Patrik's original 10-block problem fails to translate because it exhausts 3 GB
of memory. It bails out with a memory error in "multiply_out". This is with both
domain versions. I also created a smaller problem (5 blocks) which does
translate after a while, but it generates 25600 axiom rules, which looks a bit
excessive. :-)

So we may need to rethink some of our algorithm choices here.
Date User Action Args
2024-09-17 14:04:00salomesetmessages: + msg11693
2024-07-19 14:12:36maltesetnosy: + salome
messages: + msg11656
2024-07-08 20:40:22hazsetnosy: + haz
messages: + msg11612
2024-02-01 11:51:28maltesetmessages: + msg11568
2024-02-01 11:46:15gabisetmessages: + msg11567
2019-06-14 14:29:22maltesetsummary: See meta-issue: issue924.
2018-12-13 12:23:50jendriksetnosy: + jendrik
2018-12-13 10:37:58maltesetmessages: + msg8279
2018-12-13 10:15:10maltesetmessages: + msg8278
2018-12-13 10:13:01maltesetmessages: + msg8277
2018-12-13 00:57:37patriksetmessages: + msg8275
2018-12-12 15:51:58maltesetmessages: + msg8266
2018-12-12 15:39:13maltesetmessages: + msg8263
2018-12-12 15:38:22gabisetmessages: + msg8262
2018-12-12 15:36:36maltesetmessages: + msg8260
2018-12-12 15:29:25gabisetmessages: + msg8258
2018-12-12 15:18:23gabisetmessages: + msg8257
2017-01-25 06:16:12sprabhusetfiles: + graph-prob.pddl
2017-01-25 06:15:47sprabhusetfiles: + graph-domain.pddl
2014-10-13 17:01:40thofmannsetfiles: + translate.profile
2014-10-13 17:01:33thofmannsetfiles: + 6-cups.pddl
2014-10-13 17:01:07thofmannsetfiles: + clean_up_cups_domain.pddl
nosy: + thofmann
messages: + msg3809
2014-10-04 19:33:27maltesetkeyword: + translator
2010-12-17 23:45:33maltesetfiles: + bwnc_5_1.pddl
2010-12-17 23:45:27maltesetfiles: + bwnc_10_1.pddl
2010-12-17 23:45:17maltesetfiles: + bw-no-clear.pddl
2010-12-17 23:45:04maltecreate