Implement action cost support for all heuristics. This is a meta-issue. Details
are in separate issues for the different heuristics.
These are our heuristics:
1. additive
2. blind
3. causal graph
4. context-enhanced additive
5a. FF
5b. FF heuristic as part of LAMA-FF synergy
6. goal count
7. h^m
8a. landmark count
8b. landmark count heuristic as part of LAMA-FF synergy
9. LM-cut
10. max
11. merge-and-shrink
12. selective max
Of these heuristics, the following fully support arbitrary action costs already
(Erez, please correct me if something is wrong/missing):
5b. FF heuristic as part of LAMA-FF synergy
7. h^m
8a. landmark count
8b. landmark count heuristic as part of LAMA-FF synergy
12. selective max