
Title Allow overlapping landmarks in the same landmark graph
Priority wish Status chatting
Superseder Nosy List clemens, erez, malte, salome, silvan, silvia, thomas
Assigned To Keywords
Optional summary
This is part of meta issue987.

Relies on issue1165.

Created on 2011-08-08.10:31:58 by erez, last changed by clemens.

This is part of meta issue987.

Relies on issue1165.
msg11746 (view) Author: clemens Date: 2025-01-22.17:16:41
Referencing issue1165 which aims at removing the non-overlapping assumption from all places outside of landmark factories, i.e., the landmark heuristics and the Cartesian abstraction collection diversification.
msg9826 (view) Author: silvan Date: 2021-01-27.08:06:25
Add link to meta issue.
msg9821 (view) Author: thomas Date: 2021-01-26.21:39:44
One of the reasons this issue is non-trivial is the existence of the LandmarkGraph::get_landmark(const FactPair &fact) method which requires that every fact is associated with at most one landmark. It's possible to associate each fact with every landmark it occurs in and return a vector of LandmarkNodes in the function instead, but the consequences of such a change are not clear yet.
msg1508 (view) Author: erez Date: 2011-08-08.10:31:58
One of the main reasons we have problems with merging landmark graphs is that 
the code does not support having both A and (A or B) as landmarks, even though A 
or B might have more orderings.

One solution is to get rid of the limitation of having each fact appear in at 
most one landmark.
Date User Action Args
2025-01-22 17:16:41clemenssetnosy: + clemens
messages: + msg11746
summary: This is part of meta issue987. -> This is part of meta issue987. Relies on issue1165.
2021-01-27 08:06:25silvansetmessages: + msg9826
summary: This is part of meta issue987.
2021-01-26 21:39:44thomassetnosy: + salome, thomas
messages: + msg9821
2011-08-08 10:31:58erezcreate