First results with DFP-bop and 200K limit here:
(by domain)
(individual task results)
Summary: #1, #3, #4 are very similar to each other in terms of coverage, but #4
wins by one task. #2 much worse. However, #1 is faster, probably to the extent
that it may be preferable to #4. But I didn't look at the data very closely set.
I'll generate data for smaller abstraction limits too (which worked better in
our IJCAI paper).
I had an initial look at one of the domains where #2 is much worse than the
others, Sokoban, and something interesting goes on there at least in the one
case I checked thoroughly: #1/#3/#4 tend to hit situations after a while where
even the very first refinement step exceeds the 200K limit (or at least that's
what it looks like), and since they refuse to do a refinement step in such a
case, this means that they'll abstract down to 1 abstract state, i.e.,
completely forget about all variables considered so far.
This seems to work OK in Sokoban since the final h quality isn't too great
anyway (or at least that's the impression I have), and just forgetting
everything after a while makes the h construction more efficient. Or at least
that's my interpretation of the results. So in a way I'm not sure we should be
happy about the better performance of strategies #1/#3/#4 here. ;-)
I expect that this interacts quite heavily with the merge strategy, with whether
we proceed "group by group" or "h by h", and with whether we initialize by h
initially or by "goal vs. non-goal", so I wouldn't put too much weight on the
results so far. Still, they are not without interest.