
Title clang compilation on Mac OS X
Priority feature Status resolved
Superseder Nosy List herry, jendrik, malte
Assigned To Keywords
Optional summary

Created on 2014-10-04.14:52:21 by malte, last changed by jendrik.

msg4130 (view) Author: jendrik Date: 2015-03-31.19:58:02
Herry reports that the compilation works smoothly now on Mac OS X. I'm therefore 
closing this issue.
msg4129 (view) Author: jendrik Date: 2015-03-31.15:51:45
issue414 and issue436 have been dealt with. Does compiling Fast Downward on Mac 
OS X work now, herry?
msg3627 (view) Author: malte Date: 2014-10-04.15:48:02
I think there are two main action items here:

1) Getting rid of shell stuff that won't work on Mac OS X.

issue414 should address this, and we're expecting to merge it soon.

2) Getting rid of gcc-specific hash tables

This is issue436. So far, no-one volunteered to work on this, but I think we'll
be able to deal with it soon anyway. It makes sense to wait with this until
we're done with issue425 (switching to C++11) to avoid having to temporarily add
lots of references to std::tr1, which would then go away once we move to C++11.
msg3619 (view) Author: malte Date: 2014-10-04.14:52:21
Split off from issue463.
Date User Action Args
2015-03-31 19:58:02jendriksetstatus: chatting -> resolved
messages: + msg4130
2015-03-31 15:51:45jendriksetmessages: + msg4129
2014-10-04 15:48:02maltesetmessages: + msg3627
2014-10-04 14:52:21maltecreate