
Title Nicer error reporting in driver script
Priority wish Status chatting
Superseder Nosy List florian, jendrik, malte
Assigned To Keywords
Optional summary

Created on 2015-07-26.17:16:57 by florian, last changed by florian.

msg5151 (view) Author: florian Date: 2016-02-01.18:26:28
The last comment is actually unrelated to the driver script. I opened issue630
for it.
msg4554 (view) Author: florian Date: 2015-08-03.18:25:25
Besides having nicer errors in the case where the code is not compiled, we
should also have nice errors when requirements are missing (e.g., missing cmake,
make, nmake, cl, gcc, ...)
msg4472 (view) Author: florian Date: 2015-07-26.17:16:57
Quoting Malte from issue67:
> In the cases where fails to find a file (e.g. if we failed
> to compile the code first), it prints a nice error message regarding what has
> gone wrong, but it also prints a traceback. Perhaps we should get rid of the
> traceback at some point.

I guess we want to keep the traceback in cases where something goes wrong for
reasons that we did not expect. I suggest we add some custom error classes,
throw these instead of IOError, and catch them in the main file.

To avoid conflicts, this should probably wait until we merged issu67.
Date User Action Args
2016-02-01 18:26:28floriansetmessages: + msg5151
2015-08-03 18:25:25floriansetstatus: unread -> chatting
messages: + msg4554
2015-07-26 19:02:49jendriksetnosy: + jendrik
2015-07-26 17:16:57floriancreate