
Title M&S: Integrate maximum factor/maximum SCP scoring functions (ICAPS 2024)
Priority wish Status unread
Superseder Nosy List jendrik, malte, silvan
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Created on 2025-02-03.14:48:37 by silvan, last changed by silvan.

msg11763 (view) Author: silvan Date: 2025-02-03.14:48:37
I'd like to integrate the "merge or CP merge strategies" from our ICAPS 2024 paper ( More precisely, the scoring functions called "maximum factor" and "maximum SCP". The latter, used in the hybrid SCC merge strategy, results in state-of-the-art performance of regular M&S (not SCP) heuristics. issue1170 and issue1171 are precursors to this issue.
Date User Action Args
2025-02-03 14:48:37silvancreate