List of issues

ID Activity Title Status Creator
1124 9 months ago Improve SoPlex performance chatting florian
1117 9 months ago let CMake check that source files exist chatting jendrik
1100 11 months ago make names of features consistent; multiple feature namespaces chatting silvan
1104 11 months ago Explore ways to generate reasonable and/or weak orderings chatting clemens
1096 12 months ago Deal with cases where we currently shadow variables unread florian
111 12 months ago Implement different ways to handle negative preconditions chatting gabi
161 12 months ago simplify axioms chatting malte
54 12 months ago restrict derived variables to binary domains chatting malte
141 12 months ago regression tests for old paper experiments chatting malte
1001 12 months ago Github Actions Wishlist chatting silvan
800 12 months ago integrate saturated cost partitioning for landmark heuristics chatting jendrik
1039 17 months ago Make the SAS^+ parser fail on additional operators chatting florian
1081 17 months ago Move error handling of options to the constructors chatting florian
1074 18 months ago Filter Causal Landmarks in Landmark Factory chatting clemens
1020 39 months ago Add better ways of controlling memory consumption of the hillclimbing algorithm for pattern generation chatting silvan
576 40 months ago use transition normal form for admissible potential heuristics chatting jendrik
762 40 months ago complain about incorrect SAS file in-progress jendrik
160 40 months ago landmark count heuristic should detect automatically whether preferred operators should be computed chatting malte
997 42 months ago Do not return FactProxy from State::operator[] chatting florian
993 42 months ago Make LandmarkGraph be one-shot constructed by LandmarkFactories chatting thomas
257 42 months ago Allow overlapping landmarks in the same landmark graph chatting erez
992 42 months ago Make landmark code consistent with coding conventions chatting thomas
991 42 months ago Reuse/reserve vector for applicable operators in eager search chatting florian
979 48 months ago Support CPLEX in release containers chatting florian
978 48 months ago Remove axioms layers from the translator output chatting salome
564 62 months ago reuse per-task information chatting florian
215 62 months ago translator should loudly complain about invalid PDDL chatting erez
878 68 months ago Output information about equivalent variable-value pairs in full encoding chatting florian
813 68 months ago Translator doesn't error on non-existent objects chatting emilkeyder
497 71 months ago Canonicalize the order of effects, conditions, mutexes, etc. chatting gabi
808 73 months ago initial heuristic value vs. progress chatting manuel
760 77 months ago Non-deterministic behavior of AdaptiveQueue chatting manuel
566 103 months ago Nicer error reporting in driver script chatting florian
579 106 months ago Find suitable default values for caching heuristic estimates unread salome
502 114 months ago Do not create duplicate actions chatting gabi
296 119 months ago translator: performance issue with universally quantified effects chatting malte
299 119 months ago simplify conditional effects in translator chatting malte
333 119 months ago Translate fails on nested quantification chatting rpgoldman
191 129 months ago make search code more cost-sensitive unread malte
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