List of issues - Show Unassigned

ID Activity Title Status Creator
1146 7 days ago Validate chatting tanja
924 7 days ago issues related to axioms and negative conditions chatting malte
220 6 months ago Make translator stricter and improve error output chatting malte
559 6 months ago Solve component coordination problem in-progress silvan
757 10 months ago Use Fast Downward programmatically chatting guillem
987 10 months ago Clean up landmark implementation chatting clemens
567 12 months ago M&S refactoring part 2: meta issue chatting silvan
207 40 months ago revise search code chatting malte
833 42 months ago Get rid of g_root_task deferred florian
401 42 months ago Master plan for state representation chatting florian
610 48 months ago open list refactoring chatting malte
890 67 months ago performance improvements for heuristics based on relaxed exploration or variations of that unread jendrik
877 67 months ago performance improvements for relaxation heuristics chatting jendrik
690 67 months ago reduce memory usage chatting jendrik
569 69 months ago driver script idea collection chatting malte
753 71 months ago ugly hacks chatting malte
686 71 months ago handle task transformations in path-dependent heuristics chatting jendrik
746 81 months ago statistics unread jendrik
165 7 days ago performance issue in translator (with negative preconditions code?) chatting malte
1072 1 week ago Landmark Count ignores conjunctive landmarks for preferred operators deferred clemens
1069 2 weeks ago Reading SAS files accepts invalid initial states. chatting clemens
458 2 weeks ago handling degenerate inputs to preprocessor and search chatting malte
1139 1 month ago unhandled exception in driver when portfolio cannot run any search configs chatting malte
1102 5 months ago remove usage of deprecated --evaluator etc. chatting malte
1125 9 months ago QtCreator chokes on new CMake scripts chatting jendrik
247 12 months ago LM heuristic crashes and/or wrongly reports dead ends chatting malte
442 12 months ago lm_rhw detects wrong gn-orderings with derived predicates chatting salome
1065 22 months ago Dangling reference to log in PatternCollectionInformation unread florian
1038 28 months ago lazy search with reopening does not always respect the g bound chatting jendrik
1015 39 months ago Try to fix cases where the translator incurs a segfault when running out of memory chatting silvan
985 44 months ago Issue a warning when handing --validate and an to driver chatting gnad
785 65 months ago PDB dominance pruning crashes for empty patterns reviewing jendrik
858 70 months ago Overflow in potential heuristics with high max_potential unread florian
407 74 months ago g-bound for trivially solved tasks chatting jendrik
709 90 months ago Negative heuristic value for operator-counting heuristic chatting florian
689 93 months ago Unsolvable tasks not detected by potential heuristic chatting florian
250 129 months ago Assertion failure in the DFP-Shrink-Strategy - abstraction too big chatting moritz
341 147 months ago variable ordering in preprocessor differs from description in Fast Downward paper chatting mikko
323 151 months ago better error messages for illegal or unsupported types chatting rpgoldman
450 4 days ago computation of negated axiom rules cause combinatorial explosion chatting malte
1137 2 months ago Disable presolving for potential heuristics chatting florian
384 6 months ago Use variables instead of predicate names for disjunctive landmarks classes chatting gabi
1077 9 months ago remove combo pattern collection generator chatting silvan
1103 11 months ago Try compiling each CMake plugin/library as its own library chatting florian
98 12 months ago support derived predicates properly in our heuristics chatting malte
1083 17 months ago Clean up mutex key chatting gabi
1078 17 months ago Integrate Translator and Search Component chatting gabi
1063 22 months ago Compute indirect subtype relationship more efficiently chatting mkatz
1060 24 months ago Make planner silent (= no output) when configuring all components to be silent chatting silvan
1052 28 months ago replace g_log by local LogProxy objects everywhere unread silvan
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